
Our First Post

Becky: So remind me why we're doing this blog again? Besides the fact that both of us have just so much time on our hands these days. ; )

Dad: Well, we have such a great time discussing the things we care about, and remember, we thought it might be fun for others to listen in on our chats. It's not often a dad has such an insightful daughter he can spend time with discussing topics relevant to everyday life. Besides, you ask great questions, and I enjoy trying to come up with answers that actually help you. Plus, I have questions you answer pretty well too. So, ask away. What do you want to talk about?

Becky: First, I think we should clue everyone in a bit as to the format of this blog. If you read the brief history on the sidebar, you'll see that this all started as conversations in the car, and us pretending to have our own talk show. We hope to continue that style on this blog. The basic idea will be that one of us posts a question - and the other will answer. The ensuing back and forth conversation will quite possibly bring up new topics of discussion. . . we'll try to keep it all organzied though, with labels and a new post for each new subject, so you can find things easily. Also, we'd love to hear your thoughts! (Isn't that part of what blogging is all about?) Please, feel more than free to comment on each post about what you think. Also, if you have a question you want answered, ask away! Parents - I am here to give you a feel for a teenager's point of view on those tough questions that you might not be ready to ask your kids yet. And teens - Dad is just great at answering questions you might not be comfortable asking your parents. : ) Annonymous comments are fine as well, obviously only nice words. As Thumper's mother says, "If you can't say nothin' nice, don't say nothin' at all."


  1. o boy. this should be interesting. i definitely don't get enough of this at home so i'll be watching!=)


  2. This looks like it should be interesting! Us Nisbett guys love getting into discussions, though unfortunately we sometimes get carried away and get distracted from what we are supposed to be working on. :-)
